Friday, January 11, 2008

Atonement... bleh

I'm going to try to not continuously post movie reviews because quite frankly, I don't think anyone cares.

I saw Atonement tonight however, and I thought it was a standout movie for the pure fact that its one of the very few times (I can't fill up a single hand counting) that I've fallen asleep during a movie in a theatre.

I'm sure my disappointment in the movie is mostly due to the fact that I was not in the mood at all to see a movie of this nature, nor did I have the energy to mentally invest myself in the fairly slow paced plot. I haven't read the book, but everyone I went with (girls...) loved it, and it seemed to make even the most emotionally hardened of the group teary eyed. So in that sense, it succeeds in conveying a sad story of love lost and blah blah.

So I can't really say anything about the movie, becasue my opinion wouldn't be very qualified (having missed a good part of it).

What I can say is this: I hate the little girl, I want to shoot her and every time I saw her mischevious nosy face on screen I wanted to pummel it with a sledgehammer. Harshness aside, I really didn't like her character and didn't care much for the actress playing her.

Moreover, Keira Knightley is pretty, she has a pretty face, and overall with the right costumes, she can be beautiful. When she's all dolled up with these elaborate gowns in Pirates of the Caribbean, you almost forget that she weighs something like 50lbs, she's a little bit thicker than a piece of paper, and she generally has the body of an 8 year old boy. What bothered me most though was the fact that they dressed her up in really low cut dresses that showed off in my opinion her worst feature, her right angle square shoulders. I have no problem with Keira really, in fact I enjoy most of her movies, but in my tired nitpicky state, I couldn't help but be annoyed that she was made to wear such unflattering clothing.


Anonymous said...

lol, amazing comment... and its true about the little girl and kiera however..the green dress was absolutely to die for :)
next time i promise we can see an action packed thriller. filled with lots of shit blowing up :D

- Kristina

Ratven said...

I don't need an action packed thriller, I consider myself extremely open minded and acceptant of a plethora of movie formats. However, I'm convinced that Atonement is a very hard sell on any guy living outside the Church/Wellesley area.